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Town Council Work Session Minutes 4-21-2008

TOWN COUNCIL                                                    WORK SESSION
COUNCIL CHAMBERS                                                APRIL 21, 2008
placeSOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                    TIME:  7:00 P.M.

1.      Call Meeting to Order

Mayor Streeter called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

2.      Roll Call

Members Present:        Mayor Matthew Streeter
        Deputy Mayor Cary CityplacePrague
        Councillor Gary Bazzano
        Councillor Kathryn Hale
        Councillor Kevin McCann

Also Present:           Matthew B. Galligan, Town Manager
                                Duncan Forsyth, Town Attorney

3.      Public Participation:

Mrs. Carol Corcoran, addressStreet74 Lawrence Road came before the Town Council and stated that she has lived at addressStreet74 Lawrence Road for 43 years and voiced concern regarding the way the Town is preparing the land at PlaceNameplaceLawrence PlaceNameRoad PlaceTypePark.  There have been problems with wells in the area being contaminated and she feels that the Town should clear the property by mechanical means rather than chemical means.  Mrs. Corcoran has had discussions with the State of Connecticut Wildlife Department and it has been recommended that early fall would be an appropriate time of the year to gradually clear the land mechanically because it would give wildlife a chance to change locations before the winter.  Also after reading an article in the Journal Inquirer, it is her hope that this area will not be considered for ball fields.

Mr. Jack Lawton, addressStreet112 Chapel Road approached the Town Council with a concern regarding his property.  He explained that the crown of the road in front of his house is horrible.  Water from all the neighbors collect in this spot and because of the pitch of the area, it floods out his driveway.  A storm sewer is necessary in this area to alleviate the problem in the front of the house.  Behind the house there is also a problem with water.  In the past the Town tried to correct some of the water problem by placing a pipe in the backyard to the Town storm sewer.  Mr. Lawton proposed to the Town Council that following the same contour of the land and installing a six inch pipe next to the existing 4” pipe would take care of this problem in the rear of the property.
Ms. Diane Sedar, addressStreet47 Troy Road came forward and thanked the Town and everyone involved in the creation of the placePlaceNameBark PlaceTypePark.  Ms. Sedar stated that she has used the parks around Town and feels the placePlaceNameBark PlaceTypePark is the best thing that has ever been created in Town.  

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3.      Public Participation (continued)

Ms. Amanda Gallugi, Ms. Rebecca Lazinsk, and Ms. Katie Benettieri, all Juniors at South Windsor High School came forward to invite the Town Council to a program that is being sponsored by SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions), titled “Broken Dreams”.  This program will show the dangerous consequences of drinking and driving.  The program will be held in the gymnasium at placePlaceNameSouth Windsor PlaceTypeHigh School on May 1, 2008 from 12:15 p.m. to 1:15 p.m. and May 2, 2008 from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.  Please contact Joann Moriarty at the Community Center to reserve your seat.  

Mr. Rich Deneen, addressStreet16 Kelly Road came before the Town Council to support the placePlaceNameDog PlaceTypePark.  He explained that he has used the dog park in CityWethersfield for a number of years and is glad to see the creation of this park in placeSouth Windsor.  Mr. Deneen complimented the Chief of Police and all those on the Committee for creating the dog park without very much expense.  The park gets a tremendous amount of use and he has not seen any problems that have arisen at the park.  Mr. Deneen stated that he recently moved to town and the park gives him an opportunity to meet others.  Additional parking is a good idea and it is another positive reason to live in placeSouth Windsor.

Mr. George Marcotte, addressStreet24 Podunk Circle thanked the Town Council and Chief of Police for taking the time and effort in pulling all of the resources together to get the placePlaceNameBark PlaceTypePark completed economically.  There is a Committee in Town called “Friends of the PlaceNameplaceDog PlaceTypePark”.  The Committee meets bi-monthly and handles any and all concerns regarding the placePlaceNameBark PlaceTypePark.  

Councillor Hale requested a website address so those listening could contact the Committee.  Mr. Marcotte explained that there is a link from the Town’s website or residents can use

Mr. Robert Dickinson, 19 Birch Road stated that he has read some of the newspaper articles regarding the Bark Park and feels that one thing to improve the situations there would be to extend the sidewalk from Sand Hill Road down to the path that exists beyond the first parking lot so more people would be enticed to walk to the park rather than drive.

4.      Communications


5.      Town Manager’s Report

Town Manager Galligan told the Council Members that his report would be handled at the Regular Meeting.

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6.      Items for Discussion


7.      Executive Session

Deputy Mayor Prague made a motion to go into Executive Session at 7:17 p.m. to  discuss a personnel matter, possible purchase of real estate for the Town, (Woodcock and 625 Sullivan Avenue), and pending claims and litigation regarding 85 Nutmeg Road. Councillor McCann seconded the motion, and it was approved, unanimously.

The following individuals entered into Executive Session:  Town Manager, Matthew B. Galligan; Town Attorney, Duncan Forsyth; Mayor Streeter; Deputy Mayor Prague, Councillors Bazzano, Hale and McCann.
At 7:30 p.m., Town Council Members recessed the Executive Session in order to hold a public hearing scheduled for 7:30 p.m.  The Executive Session reconvened at 7:34 p.m.

8.      Adjournment

The Executive Session and Work Session adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Deborah W. Reid
Clerk of the Council